Timezone: America/Chicago (CDT)
Want to learn how to live a life on mission with God? Want to understand what God is doing in the world and how you can play a part? The Kairos Course is for you and every believer in Jesus!
Tuesday evenings; September 17-December 10; 4 PM Pacific Time/6 PM Central Time for 2 hours. Additional reading and worksheets and a video each week are also required (about 2 hours)
This is a HYBRID COURSE. You can join a LIVE group at Cornerstone Church in Marshfield, Wisconsin (if you live nearby) or online via Zoom. We can also accommodate a group from another church or a home group, etc. Online requires a computer capable of good video and audio connection. Couples participating together online should plan to use separate computers some weeks.
A prepared heart, a Bible, and a pen. Materials will be sent via USPS to participants prior to the class or during the Zero Week.
Please contact us with any additional questions. Zero Week and Week 1 are FREE to preview, please register though. Registration and payment are separate processes.
Pay via The Hastening at this link: People from Cornerstone Church will pay via the church
Bret Johnson at (702)306-3056
Sep 24, 2024 03:00 PM America/Chicago (CDT)
Registrations will be confirmed by email
Event has been cancelled.